

  Lingual frenectomy is a surgical procedure to release the lingual frenulum and can have various functional improvements. 1. Speech Improvement: Lingual frenectomy can help improve speech articulation, especially in cases where your child is having difficultly pronouncing certain sounds like “l,” “r,” and “th.” 2. Feeding and Swallowing: For infants and young children, a lingual frenectomy can

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What happens  if my Child Falls and Bumps their Teeth?

For children, aged 0-6 years, oral injuries account for about 20% of all physical injuries. Unintentional falls, collisions, and everyday activities are the most common reasons for Traumatic Dental Injuries, especially as your child is learning to crawl, walk, and run. Most Common Finding: Discoloration is a common complication following traumatic injuries occurs about 50% of the time.

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#1 Cause of Cavities during Quarantine

Since returning to our normal hours in June we have seen an increase in dental decay. The most obvious reason for this is SNACKING. With children being home more there has been an increase in the amount of screen time and increased exposure to the pantry.  Studies have linked screen time with low fruit and vegetable consumption and

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Tips for Teething

Teething sucks. There is no other way to put it. Teething in infants can start as early as 4 months old and can sometimes can last until the age of 3. Common symptoms of teething include irritability, flushed cheeks, heavy drooling, ear tugging, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite. I currently have 8-month-old twins going through this fun process

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5 Common Myths about Baby Teeth

Myth: Your child’s first visit to the dentist should be by their 3rd birthday Fact: The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that your child’s first visit to the dentist should be by their 1st birthday. By the age of 3 about 10% of children have an oral health issue and by kindergarten an estimated 40% of children

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What is Oral Conscious Sedation

Pediatric Sedation Dentistry at Growing Smiles At Growing Smiles in Floral Vale we specialize in a technique known as oral conscious sedation. Sedation is recommended for children requiring dental treatment who are young, nervous, have special needs, and/or require multiple dental visits. Unlike general anesthesia, children are still able to breathe on their own and respond to verbal

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Sports Drinks are a Hidden Cause of Cavities

Tooth Decay From Sugar in Beverages During the summer it’s important to stay hydrated, but sports drinks can be a hidden cause of your child’s cavities. In a single 12 oz Gatorade (the smallest they make) there is 21 grams of sugar. To put that in perspective the American Heart Association only recommends that children should consume less

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Treatment of White and Brown Spots

ICON resin infiltration is a new treatment aimed to improve the appearance of white spots (decalcifications) or white/yellow/brown developmental spots on smooth tooth surfaces. Treatment is completed without no injection or drilling. Causes of Brown Spots on Teeth Decalcifactions may  be  caused by the accumulation of plaque which could lead  to a cavity. Patients in orthodontic treatment are

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The Importance of Dental X-rays

Kids Dental Xrays Are Important Dental X-rays are a diagnostic tool used by dentists to diagnose oral diseases and monitor dentofacial development. We understand that because your child is being exposed to radiation that you may be hesitant to consent to treatment. At Growing Smiles in Floral Vale we take every precaution when treating your kids with dental

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