Tips for Teething

Teething sucks. There is no other way to put it. Teething in infants can start as early as 4 months old and can sometimes can last until the age of 3. Common symptoms of teething include irritability, flushed cheeks, heavy drooling, ear tugging, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite.

I currently have 8-month-old twins going through this fun process now. I understand it can be difficult to manage and unfortunately there is no way to bypass it completely.

At Growing Smiles in Floral Vale we strongly discourage the use of any over the counter topical anesthetics or teething gels as they can toxic to infants. We also discourage the use of any teething necklaces as they can be a choking hazard.


Teething does not cause serious health problems. Some parents have incorrectly blamed high fever, vomiting and diarrhea on teething, delaying proper medical attention. These are not symptoms of teething.

I have tried seemingly every teether toy imaginable for my kids, but the one that I find to be the most helpful to alleviate discomfort is the ARK Textured Grabber (I do not have any financial ties to this company – I just like their product). Here’s the link:

Around the time babies start the teething process, they start to put everything in their mouths. It’s how babies learn about their surroundings, including their sense of taste. Also putting things in their mouths strengthens the muscles of the mouth in preparation for eating and speech. Using this Textured Grabber teething toy provides input to the gums to soothe new teeth that are erupting, and it provides a great opportunity for your infant to practice biting and chewing.

The best advice for when teething is interrupting your baby’s sleep patterns is to try to stick to the normal routine as much as possible. If your baby is used to a bath and story before bedtime, please continue. If he wakes up from discomfort during the night, comfort him as best you can with a gum massage, offer a cold teether, or even just a song in the rocking chair. When all else fails, the use of infant motrin (over the age of 6 months) or tylenol can help but please use sparingly. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at the office (215-860-9808)

We agree with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s guidelines that the first visit to the pediatric dentist should occur by the child’s first birthday. We look forward to seeing you!



Dr. Ross Growing Smiles in Floral Vale Yardley PA

Dr. Ross Levine is a board certified pediatric dentist and has been honored by both

The Bucks County Courier Times and Philadelphia Magazine as a

Top Pediatric Dentist in Bucks County.


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