


Lingual frenectomy is a surgical procedure to release the lingual frenulum and can have various functional improvements.

1. Speech Improvement: Lingual frenectomy can help improve speech articulation, especially in cases where your child is having difficultly pronouncing certain sounds like “l,” “r,” and “th.”

2. Feeding and Swallowing: For infants and young children, a lingual frenectomy can enhance breastfeeding by allowing for better latch and suckling. In adults and older children, it can aid in proper chewing and swallowing, reducing issues like choking or food getting stuck in the throat.

3. Sleep Quality: In some cases, lingual frenectomy can alleviate sleep disturbances related to tongue tie, such as snoring or sleep apnea, by allowing for improved tongue mobility and positioning during sleep.

It’s important to note that the specific benefits may vary depending on the individual and the severity of their lingual frenulum restriction. It’s essential to have a functional assessment with either an IBCLC, speech therapist, a Physical Therapist or Occupational Therapist trained in or Oral Motor Function as well as a consult with Dr. Levine to determine if a lingual frenectomy is appropriate for your child

What happens  if my Child Falls and Bumps their Teeth?

For children, aged 0-6 years, oral injuries account for about 20% of all physical injuries. Unintentional falls, collisions, and everyday activities are the most common reasons for Traumatic Dental Injuries, especially as your child is learning to crawl, walk, and run.

Most Common Finding:

Discoloration is a common complication following traumatic injuries occurs about 50% of the time.  This discoloration may fade, and the tooth may regain its original shade over a period of weeks or months but it is impossible to know if or when it will occur.

Teeth with persistent dark discoloration may remain asymptomatic clinically and radiographically normal, or they may develop an abscess over time roughly 5%.


We  can  discuss  if  treatment  to  lighten  the  color  of  the  primary  incisor  is  right  for  your  child.

What to Expect at the Dentist:

Depending on the age of your child and presentation of the trauma we exam your child, palpating the area and seeing if the tooth mobile. We will most likely take a base-line x-ray to rule out a possible fracture or impingement of upon the developing permanent tooth. However each case is uniquely different and we will discuss possible treatments at their visit.

Long Term Effects?

There is a close relationship between the apex of the primary tooth root and the underlying permanent tooth germ. Tooth malformation, impacted teeth, and eruption disturbances in the developing permanent dentition are some of the consequences that can occur following injuries to primary teeth.

The most significant traumas such as intrusion where the tooth is displaced into the gum and avulsion injuries where the tooth is completely knocked out of the socket are the most commonly associated with the development of anomalies in the permanent dentition, but these are rare situations.


Successful healing following an injury to the teeth and oral tissue depends on good oral hygiene. Make sure you are cleaning the area with a soft toothbrush. Also to encourage healing use a cotton swab with alcohol-free chlorhexidine or Listerine topically twice a day for one week to prevent accumulation of plaque and debris and to reduce the bacterial load.

Care should be taken when eating not to further traumatize the injured teeth so a softer diet for 7-10 days is encouraged.


Swelling, increased mobility, or an abscess can unfortunately occur. Your child may not complain about pain, but infection may be present.  Signs of infection such as swelling of the gums or increased mobility of the tooth are cause for concern. As always feel free to call us at 215-860-9808 if you have any questions or concerns.


Dr. Ross Growing Smiles in Floral Vale Yardley PA

Dr. Ross Levine is a board certified pediatric dentist and has been honored by both

The Bucks County Courier Times and Philadelphia Magazine as a

Top Pediatric Dentist in Bucks County.

#1 Cause of Cavities during Quarantine

Since returning to our normal hours in June we have seen an increase in dental decay. The most obvious reason for this is SNACKING. With children being home more there has been an increase in the amount of screen time and increased exposure to the pantry.  Studies have linked screen time with low fruit and vegetable consumption and high intake of unhealthy snacks such as chips and sweets.

Saliva has a natural pH between 6-7. Every time we eat the pH in our mouth drops below 5.5 making our mouths very acidic. This will demineralize small amounts of tooth structure giving the cavity-causing bacteria an opportunity to thrive. In a healthy mouth roughly 20 minutes after eating/drinking the pH recovers and rises above the 5.5 threshold where cavities form allowing for your teeth to remineralize. When the system is in balance, the  natural pH of our mouth will prevent cavities from forming.

But as shown in the graph, constant snacking or “grazing” causes the pH in our mouth to become acidic for more periods of time, leading to more demineralization than remineralization and therefore allowing cavities to form.

Below are some tips to help:

  1. Drink plenty of water: Have water readily available to your child all day and don’t allow them to sip on any sugary drinks between meal
  2. Brush and Floss after Lunch. With your child being home for lunch make sure they add an extra session of brushing and flossing a day
  3. Avoid sugary or carbohydrate snacks between meals. Snacking often is not necessary and we understand that. Choose food such as yogurt, apples, nuts, or
  4. Give carbohydrate “snacks” with meals. Starches made from white flour are simple carbohydrates. They break down into simple sugars in the body which can lead to tooth decay. Instead of giving chips and goldfish as a snack give it with their lunch when saliva flow is at its highest.
  5. Make sure your child has their routine dental exam and cleaning. Please check our new office policies during COVID and as always feel free to call us at 215-860-9808 if you have any questions or concerns.




Dr. Ross Growing Smiles in Floral Vale Yardley PA

Dr. Ross Levine is a board certified pediatric dentist and has been honored by both

The Bucks County Courier Times and Philadelphia Magazine as a

Top Pediatric Dentist in Bucks County.

Tips for Teething

Teething sucks. There is no other way to put it. Teething in infants can start as early as 4 months old and can sometimes can last until the age of 3. Common symptoms of teething include irritability, flushed cheeks, heavy drooling, ear tugging, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite.

I currently have 8-month-old twins going through this fun process now. I understand it can be difficult to manage and unfortunately there is no way to bypass it completely.

At Growing Smiles in Floral Vale we strongly discourage the use of any over the counter topical anesthetics or teething gels as they can toxic to infants. We also discourage the use of any teething necklaces as they can be a choking hazard.


Teething does not cause serious health problems. Some parents have incorrectly blamed high fever, vomiting and diarrhea on teething, delaying proper medical attention. These are not symptoms of teething.

I have tried seemingly every teether toy imaginable for my kids, but the one that I find to be the most helpful to alleviate discomfort is the ARK Textured Grabber (I do not have any financial ties to this company – I just like their product). Here’s the link:

Around the time babies start the teething process, they start to put everything in their mouths. It’s how babies learn about their surroundings, including their sense of taste. Also putting things in their mouths strengthens the muscles of the mouth in preparation for eating and speech. Using this Textured Grabber teething toy provides input to the gums to soothe new teeth that are erupting, and it provides a great opportunity for your infant to practice biting and chewing.

The best advice for when teething is interrupting your baby’s sleep patterns is to try to stick to the normal routine as much as possible. If your baby is used to a bath and story before bedtime, please continue. If he wakes up from discomfort during the night, comfort him as best you can with a gum massage, offer a cold teether, or even just a song in the rocking chair. When all else fails, the use of infant motrin (over the age of 6 months) or tylenol can help but please use sparingly. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at the office (215-860-9808)

We agree with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s guidelines that the first visit to the pediatric dentist should occur by the child’s first birthday. We look forward to seeing you!



Dr. Ross Growing Smiles in Floral Vale Yardley PA

Dr. Ross Levine is a board certified pediatric dentist and has been honored by both

The Bucks County Courier Times and Philadelphia Magazine as a

Top Pediatric Dentist in Bucks County.


5 Common Myths about Baby Teeth

Myth: Your child’s first visit to the dentist should be by their 3rd birthday

Fact: The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that your child’s first visit to the dentist should be by their 1st birthday. By the age of 3 about 10% of children have an oral health issue and by kindergarten an estimated 40% of children have had at least 1 cavity.

Myth: You shouldn’t use fluoride toothpaste until your child can spit

Fact: Toothbrushing with a a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste is recommended as soon as the first primary tooth erupts. Fluoride is both safe and highly effective in significantly reducing the the chances of decay

Myth: Flossing baby teeth isn’t necessary

Fact: Once the primary teeth touch it is imperative to floss. Over 60% of the tooth is missed by not flossing. Primary teeth are about 1/3 as thick as permanent teeth and cavities progress much more rapidly in children than adults.

Myth: Baby teeth aren’t important

Fact: Primary teeth are the place-holders for permanent teeth. If lost too early, the dental arch can constrict leading to excessive crowding and the need for extensive orthodontic treatment.

Myth: Its ok to let my kindergartener brush their teeth by themselves

Fact: We recommend that parents supervise their children brushing as long as possible. Until children can tie their shoes by themselves (8-9) they will lack the dexterity to brush alone.

Dr. Ross Growing Smiles in Floral Vale Yardley PA Dr. Ross Levine is a board certified pediatric dentist and has been honored by both The Bucks County Courier Times and Philadelphia Magazine as a Top Pediatric Dentist in Bucks County.

What is Oral Conscious Sedation

Pediatric Sedation Dentistry at Growing Smiles

At Growing Smiles in Floral Vale we specialize in a technique known as oral conscious sedation. Sedation is recommended for children requiring dental treatment who are young, nervous, have special needs, and/or require multiple dental visits. Unlike general anesthesia, children are still able to breathe on their own and respond to verbal commands. Often children fall asleep because they are relaxed. All of the dental work is completed in one visit, making the experience easier on the child (and parent!).

Conscious Sedation Dentists are Licensed and Experienced

Dr. Radin, Dr. Bari and myself are specifically trained to perform these procedures in our office and are licensed by the state. We have safely sedated thousands of children, allowing us to provide high quality dental treatment while preventing a trip to surgery center for general anesthesia.

Preparing for the Oral Sedation Medicine

What to expect: patients are asked to come to their appointment with no food or drink after midnight the night before their treatment. Having your child on an empty stomach allows for better uptake of the medication and minimizes their risk of vomiting. After reviewing your child’s medical history, your child is weighed and medication is dispensed by the doctor based on your child’s weight that day.

Oral Sedation Coupled with Laughing Gas

Typically it takes 1 hour for the medication to take effect and your child will become sleepy and tired. At this point you will be separated from your child and the doctor will be with your child throughout the procedure. During the procedure, ensuring the patient’s safety is of the utmost importance. While a patient is sedated, we often use nitrous oxide paired with oxygen to help keep the patient calm. During the sedation, their blood oxygen level, breathing rate, and heart rate are closely monitored.

After the sedation, children are typically groggy and tired . Due to longer-lasting effects such as dizziness, sleepiness, a child shouldn’t go back to school or daycare after their procedure.

That night your doctor will check-in to see how your child is doing, but if you have any questions or concerns you can always reach us at our office at 215-860-9808 and we have provided more information about our oral sedation dentistry on this page.